In the present economic climate, many once-thriving businesses are having trouble paying their rent. An obligation that once seemed both reasonable and manageable may become difficult for a tenant whose business falls off and customers hold back. Leases entered into during boom times, when there was competition among tenants for premises and landlords had the upper hand, may come to seem to tenants unfair and unaffordable. In such circumstances, a tenant may seek the landlord’s agreement to a “work-out,” a reformation of the lease adjusting the rent, the size of the demised premises, the use of the premises, or other lease terms to help the tenant continue in business in the premises. Sometimes, the parties can agree to a new arrangement which benefits both landlord and tenant.
Partners Forever
In some ways, going into business with someone is like marriage, at least old-fashioned marriage, where the parties, lost in a romantic haze, know that they will be happily together until the end. As we all know, it doesn’t always work out that way. In business, it’s best to be prepared from the beginning for disagreement, disenchantment, disability, or death.